
Adam W. Brown (US)

June 19, 2019

Shadows from the Walls of Death
2019, performance and Installation

The performance Shadows from the Walls of Death draws its inspiration from MSU Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Robert Kedzie, who in 1874 wrote a book of the same title in an effort to raise public awareness about the dangers of arsenic-pigmented wallpaper. The human drive to recreate greenness within urban settings led to a series of paradoxes and contradictions. The very chemical processes artificially employed to bring greenness back into people’s lives helped to contribute to the Anthropogenic destruction of the environment. Mass-produced toxic pigments were used to reproduce decorative patterns attempting to replace the “nature” that the Industrial Revolution was eroding. We recreate Paris Green and the deadly wallpaper in a chemically safe and controlled environment, re-establishing our material connection to the color green.

Adam Brown (US) is an internationally recognized artist, scholar and educator whose work incorporates art and science hybrids including living and biological systems. Brown has exhibited in international venues including the Kapelica Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia; ZKM, the Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe; Ars Electronica, Linz; Synth-ethic, Vienna. His work has been written about widely in publications such as the New York Times, Wired, Nature, Sculpture Magazine, Washington Post, Forbes, PNAS, and Discover. Brown is currently  an Associate Professor at Michigan State University, where he directs the BRIDGE Artist in Residency.



Adams V. Brauns (ASV)

Ēnas no nāves sienām
2019, performance un instalācija

Performance “Ēnas no nāves sienām” veidota, ietekmējoties no Mičiganas Štata Universitātes ķīmijas profesora Dr. Roberta Kendzija 1874. gada tāpat nosauktās grāmatas, kas publiskajā telpā aktualizējusi tapešu ražošanā pielietoto arsēna pigmentu bīstamību. Cilvēka tieksme pilsētas dzīvē radīt zaļumu novedusi pie daudzām pretrunām un paradoksiem. Paši ķīmiskie procesi, kas pielietoti zaļuma ienešanai atpakaļ cilvēku dzīvēs, ir veicinājuši antropogēno vides iznīcību. Masveidā ražoti, toksiski pigmenti tika izmantoti dekoratīvu rakstu reproducēšanā, mēģinot aizvietot to “dabu”, ko atņēmusi industriālā revolūcija. Performancē mākslinieks atkārtoti radīs “Parīzes zaļās” nāvējošās tapetes drošā un kontrolētā vidē, atjaunojot materiālo piesaisti zaļajai krāsai.

Adams Brauns ir starptautiski atzīts mākslinieks, zinātnieks un pedagogs, kura darbi apvieno mākslu un zinātni, iekļaujot dzīvas un bioloģiskas sistēmas. Brauna darbi tikuši izstādīti tādās vietās kā galerijā Kapelica Ļubļanā, ZKM mākslas un mediju centrā Karlsrūē, “Ars Electronica” Lincā, “Synth-ethic” Vīnē. Mākslinieka darbība aplūkota dažādās publikācijās izdevumos kā “New York Times”, “Wired”, “Nature”, “Sculpture Magazine”, “Washington Post”, “Forbes”, “PNAS” un “Discover”. Pašlaik Brauns ir Mičiganas Štata Universitātes docents un “BRIDGE” mākslinieku rezidences vadītājs.


Shadows from the Walls of Death. Adam W. Brown. Photo: Kristine Madjare

Shadows from the Walls of Death. Adam W. Brown. Photo: Kristine Madjare

Shadows from the Walls of Death. Adam W. Brown. Photo: Kristine Madjare

Shadows from the Walls of Death. Adam W. Brown. Photo: Kristine Madjare

Shadows from the Walls of Death. Adam W. Brown. Photos: Didzis Grodzs