
Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag (DE)

June 23, 2019

X from the GAMMAvert cycle
2019 (GAMMAvert 2006–2019), installation (monochrome Plasma light, Porto Prints, video)

“Have you sometimes observed the sun set over the sea? Have you watched it until the upper rim of its disc, skimming the surface of the water, is just about to disappear? Very likely you have: but did you notice the phenomenon that occurs at the very instant the heavenly body sends forth its last ray, which, if the sky be cloudless, is of unparalleled beauty? No, perhaps not. Well, the first time you have the opportunity of making this observation, and it happens but rarely, it will not be, as one might think, a crimson ray that falls upon the retina. It will be green, a most wonderful green, a green that no artist could ever obtain on his palette, a green the likes of which neither the varied tints of vegetation nor the shades of the most limpid sea could ever produce!” (Jules Verne “The Green Ray”)

Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag is an artist, composer & researcher. He studied fine arts, art history, music theory, composition, philosophy and cognitive science. His mostly spatial works are shown and performed worldwide. Since 2013 his one of the editors of Friedrich Kittler’s Gesammelte Schriften. In 2015 he was invited for his midcareer retrospective Rauschen at the Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart. In 2017 Rundfunk Aeterna – a radio opera was commissioned by the documenta 14.


Jans-Peters E. R. Zonntāgs (DE)

X no cikla GAMMAvert
2019 (GAMMAvert 2006–2019), instalācija (monohroma plazmas gaisma, porto druka, video)

“Vai esi kādreiz pie jūras vērojis saules rietu? Vai esi vērojis to līdz pat brīdim, kad saules diska augšējā mala pār ūdens virsmu ir teju izzudusi? Droši vien esi. Bet vai esi ievērojis parādību, ja debesis ir skaidras – nepārspējami skaistu, kas redzama brīdī, kad spožais debesu ķermenis raida pēdējos starus? Droši vien neesi. Lūk, pirmajā reizē, kad tev izdosies to novērot – un tas notiek, bet reti – pretēji tam, ko varētu gaidīt, stars, kas nonāk līdz acīm, nebūs sarkans. Tas būs zaļš. Tas būs visbrīnišķīgāk zaļais: tāds zaļais, ko neviens mākslinieks nebūtu spējīgs uzjaukt; zaļais, kas nav rodams nedz augu pasaules nokrāsās, nedz visdzidrākās jūras niansēs!” (Žils Verns “Zaļais stars”)

Jans-Peters E. R. Zonntāgs ir mākslinieks, komponists un pētnieks. Viņš ir studējis vizuālo mākslu, mākslas vēsturi, mūzikas teoriju, kompozīciju, filosofiju un kognitīvo zinātni. Viņa telpiskie darbi tikuši izstādi visā pasaulē. Kopš 2013. gada viņš ir viens no Friedrich Kittler’s Gesammelte Schriften redaktoriem. 2015. gadā Württembergischer Kunstverein Štutgartē tika veidota retrospektīva mākslinieka darbu izstāde “Rauschen”. 2017. gadā documenta 14 ietvaros Zonntāgs veidoja radio operu “Rundfunk Aeterna”.

X from the GAMMAvert cycle. Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag (DE). Photos: Kristine Madjare

X from the GAMMAvert cycle. Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag (DE). Photos: Kristine Madjare

X from the GAMMAvert cycle. Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag (DE).

X from the GAMMAvert cycle. Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag (DE).